Pickleball: Sports Pleasure Combined with Musculoskeletal Health Care with Vital

Pickleball, an increasingly popular recreational sport, has become one of the fastest growing sports activities in the United States. Easy to learn, promotes competitiveness and sociability, Pickleball is also a great form of low-impact exercise. But in addition to pleasure and physical benefits, how can we take better care of the musculoskeletal system when participating in this sport? Let's learn about Pickleball and how Ta Vital brings Vietnam's leading Spirulina algae product to help you protect your musculoskeletal health.

Pickleball: From Humble Beginnings to Explosive Development

Pickleball was developed in 1965 by former Washington State Congressman Joel Pritchard. From impromptu badminton sessions with ping-pong rackets and plastic balls with holes, the sport has quickly grown and is widely played throughout the 50 states of the United States. With the rapid development, the Sports & Fitness Industry Association (SFIA) estimates that in 2017, there were more than 2.8 million Pickleball players in the U.S., an increase of 12.3% from the previous year.

Pickleball Rules

Pickleball can be played indoors or outdoors, on a smaller court than a tennis court (20 ft x 44 ft vs 36 ft x 78 ft). Players use wooden or composite rackets to hit a hard plastic ball through the net. The game can be played doubles or singles, with the same rules as tennis but with a few variations of their own:

  • NetworkPickleball nets are lower than tennis nets, only 34 inches tall in the center (compared to 36 inches of tennis).
  • No-volley zone: There is a seven-foot no-volley zone from each side of the net.
  • Deliver the ball: Pass the ball under your hands, touch the ball below the waist.
  • Points: Only the team that delivers the ball can score. The game is usually played to 11, 15 or 21 points and must be won with a 2-point gap.

Pickleball-Related Injuries

Acute Injury

  • Ankle Sprain: Occurs with sudden diversions. Treatment: Rest, Kick, Compress and Enhancement (RICE).
  • Achilles Tendon Tension: Causes pain from the calf muscles down to the heel. Treatment: Rest, stretching and strengthening workouts.
  • Knee Injury: From a mild sprain to a tear of the meniscus or ligament. Treatment: From rest to surgery depending on the severity.
  • Muscle Stretching: Stretch the calf muscles, posterior thigh muscles, anterior thigh muscles and groin muscles. Treatment: RICE and physiotherapy if needed.
  • Wrist Injury: Caused by falling or receiving the ball. Treatment: RICE, and see a doctor if there is swelling or restriction of movement.

Chronic Trauma

  • Plantar fasciitis: Pain along the arch of the foot. Treatment: Adjusts activity, stretching, and shoe cushioning.
  • Muscle Stretching: Chronic muscle strain in the calves, hind thighs, front thighs and groin muscles. Treatment: Stretch and rest.
  • Tendonitis: At the wrist and elbow due to repeated polishing. Treatment: Rest, stretching and gentle exercise.
  • Lumbar Injury: Muscle tension due to repetitive bending and rotation of the torso. Treatment: RICE and training strengthen the stability of the back muscles.

Injury Prevention And Musculoskeletal Health Care

To reduce the risk of injury while playing Pickleball, players should take some of the following measures:

  • Startup: Warm up properly with dynamic and static stretching exercises to increase blood flow and flexibility.
  • Technics: Use the correct technique of delivery, polish and movement to avoid traumatic movements.
  • Equipments: Use good support, anti-slip shoes and rackets of the right size and weight.
  • Playgrounds: Play on a suitable, non-slippery pitch surface.
  • Take a break: Ensure adequate rest between play sessions so that muscles and joints have time to recover.

Ta Vital - Spirulina Supports Musculoskeletal Health

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Besides taking the above precautions, nutritional supplements also play an important role in protecting and enhancing musculoskeletal health. Ta Vital, Vietnam's leading Spirulina algae product, has been shown to have a very good supporting effect on musculoskeletal. Spirulina contains many essential nutrients such as protein, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which help reduce inflammation, promote bone and joint health.

Spirulina not only provides comprehensive nutrition, but also supports the body in the recovery process after injury. Especially for pickleball players, adding Ta Vital to the daily diet can help improve endurance, flexibility and reduce the risk of injury.

Enjoy Pickleball With Me Vital

Pickleball brings pleasure and significant health benefits. However, to fully enjoy this sport without worrying about injuries, combine proper sports with scientific nutrition. Ta Vital, with its superior benefits from Spirulina algae, will be a great companion, helping you maintain musculoskeletal health and enjoy Pickleball fun safely and sustainably.