Spirulina Use In Cosmetics And Skin Benefits

Thanks to the special chemical composition, spirulina has the function of regenerating and cleansing the skin.

Spirulina (scientifically known as Spirulina platensis) is an edible blue microalgae with a characteristic spiral shape, visible only under a microscope.

Thanks to the special chemical composition, spirulina has the function of regenerating and cleansing the skin. It contains mainly protein and essential amino acids, rich in vitamins such as Vitamins A, B, C and E. In addition, spirulina also has essential fatty acids such as Omega 3 and Omega 6, and many minerals such as potassium, calcium, iron, copper, phosphorus, chromium, manganese, selenium and zinc.


Spirulina provides essential nutrients to the skin such as vitamins and fatty acids. In particular, with its content of vitamins B, E and selenium, it has the ability to protect and tone skin tissue, while vitamin A regulates sebum, fights imperfections and gives radiance to the skin.

Spirulina spirulina, with its high content of chlorophyll and antioxidants will help eliminate wastes from the skin such as free radicals and heavy metals, helping to cleanse the skin and soften it more finely, while maintaining its natural beauty.

Thanks to its powerful anti-aging effect, spirulina has become an excellent component in the cosmetic industry. With the ability to cleanse and nourish the skin, spirulina helps to tighten the skin, remove dullness, give the skin softness and radiance

Spirulina Spirulina Clay Mask


Spirulina can be used as an active ingredient in facial and body care treatments.

Spirulina is rich in vitamins such as thiamine and riboflavin that stimulate collagen production from the deep layers of the skin. Blue pigment with antioxidant power, stimulation of skin stem cells, regeneration and repair of skin tissue - these properties make spirulina an excellent component in anti-aging methods for both the face and body.

Spirulina has a detoxifying effect, suitable for masks and exfoliating products that cleanse the skin. Vitamin A regulates skin sebum, vitamin E helps to heal, and B vitamins promote skin cell regeneration.

Spirulina is also widely used in fat loss and skin tightening therapies. Phycocyanin and other antioxidants in this algae provide deep moisture to the skin, stimulate blood circulation and tissue regeneration, help minimize inflammation and sagging areas of the skin, are effective in reducing fat and toning the skin.