Spirulina Production and Cultivation Technology

Spirulina is a blue-blue microalgae with high nutritional value, widely applied in the functional food and food industry. This article will introduce the technology of production and cultivation of Spirulina, thereby helping you better understand the process of creating this nutritious food.

About Spirulina

Spirulina spirulina is a microalgae of the Cyanobacteria family, which has a characteristic spiral shape. This algae contains a high protein content (60-70% dry weight), as well as many vitamins, minerals and antioxidant compounds. Spirulina is considered a “superfood” due to the health benefits it offers.

Spirulina Growing Conditions

For effective cultivation of Spirulina spirulina, the following conditions should be ensured:

  • Temperature: 30-35°C
  • pH: 8.5-11
  • Light: 2000-3000 lux
  • Salinity: 8-15 g/L
  • Nutrition: Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and trace elements

Spirulina Cultivation Technology

1. Outdoor Cultivation System

This method uses open ponds or shallow tanks to feed Spirulina spirulina. The advantage of this system is its low cost and ease of scale. However, it also has the disadvantage of being difficult to control environmental conditions and is prone to contamination.

2. Greenhouse Cultivation System

Growing Spirulina in a greenhouse helps to better control environmental factors such as temperature, light, and humidity. This method gives a higher yield than outdoor farming, but the initial investment cost is also higher.

3. Closed Cultivation System

This is the most advanced method, using closed bioreactors to feed Spirulina spirulina. This system allows strict control of all environmental factors, ensuring clean and high-quality products. However, the investment and operating costs of this method are quite high.

Spirulina Production Process

1. Preparation of culture medium

Spirulina culture medium is usually prepared from inorganic salts such as sodium bicarbonate, potassium nitrate, sodium chloride and the necessary trace elements. The pH of the medium is adjusted to suit the growth of algae.

2. Algae varieties and cultures

Spirulina varieties are carefully selected to ensure quality and yield. Cultivation begins on a small scale in the laboratory, then gradually expands to the production scale.

3. Control and monitoring of the cultivation process

Throughout the cultivation process, parameters such as pH, temperature, salinity and nutrient concentration are monitored and adjusted regularly to ensure optimal conditions for Spirulina growth.

4th. Harvesting

When the density of algae reaches the optimum level, harvesting is carried out. There are many methods for harvesting Spirulina spirulina, the most common being the use of microbiological or centrifugal filtration membranes.

5. Drying

After harvesting, Spirulina spirulina is dried quickly to preserve the nutritional components. Common drying methods include spray drying, freeze-drying, and conveyor drying.

6. Packaging and storage

Spirulina after drying is packed in moisture-proof packaging, protected from light for the best preservation of nutritional components.

Technological Application in Spirulina Production

1. Automatizacija

The application of automation systems in the cultivation and production of Spirulina helps to increase productivity and ensure product quality. Smart sensors are used to monitor and adjust environmental parameters automatically.

2. Biotechnology

The application of biotechnology in the selection and improvement of Spirulina varieties helps to produce algae strains with high yields and better nutrient content.

3. Post-harvest processing technology

Advanced technologies such as ultrasound, microwaves and enzymes are applied during post-harvest processing to increase the absorption of nutrients from Spirulina.

Challenges and Solutions in Spirulina Production

1. Quality Control

To ensure product quality, it is necessary to apply strict standards in the production process, from cultivation to packaging. The adoption of quality management systems such as ISO 22000 and HACCP is necessary.

2. Optimization of production costs

Spirulina production costs are quite high, especially in closed culture systems. The research and development of new, more efficient technologies will help reduce production costs.

3. Market Development

Although Spirulina has many health benefits, consumer awareness of this product is still limited. Marketing strategies and consumer education are needed to expand the market for Spirulina.


Production and cultivation technology Spirulina SpirulinaThere have been significant strides in recent years. With the adoption of advanced technologies and strict production processes, the quality and efficiency of Spirulina Spirulina production is increasingly improved. Although there are still challenges to overcome, the future of spirulina production is promising, promising to bring many benefits to public health and economic development.