Spirulina Nutrients: Vitamins and Minerals Found in Spirulina

Spirulina is a cyanobacteria microalgae, which has a characteristic spiral shape, is able to grow both in freshwater and saltwater environments and is easily added to the daily menu. This algae is considered by many to be a superfood thanks to its rich nutritional content as well as the great benefits it brings to health.With its high content of proteins and vitamins, and many nutrients and antioxidants that benefit the brain, spirulina is an ideal food for any diet, especially suitable for eaters

Dubbed the “food of the future,” spirulina is more than just a temporary trend in the world of nutrition. From Olympic athletes to nutritionists, from people concerned about health, spirulina is attracting the attention of the whole world.

But what makes spirulina so special? Why can a tiny creature carry a huge trove of nutrients?

Nutritional composition of spirulina

Spirulina is a “superfood” that provides many vitamins, minerals, high-quality proteins and other beneficial compounds. It is worth noting that spirulina contains all the essential amino acids, which makes it a complete source of protein - a characteristic that is rare in the plant world.


Spirulina is a rich source of vitamins, especially group B vitamins. Here is a list of the main vitamins contained in spirulina:

  1. Vitamina B2: Necessary for cell growth and function, energy metabolism, and the activity of enzymes.
  2. Vitaminum B3: Supports energy metabolism, nervous system function and maintains healthy skin.
  3. Vitamina B12: Especially important for vegetarians and vegans. Vitamin B12 supports the formation of red blood cells and maintains a healthy nervous system.
  4. Vitamine E: Is a powerful antioxidant, protects cells from damage caused by free radicals. It also supports the immune system and skin health.


Spirulina is also a source of many important minerals:

  1. Fe: Necessary for the production of hemoglobin, the transport of oxygen in the blood. Spirulina contains easily absorbed iron, which helps prevent anemia.
  2. Calcium: In addition to supporting bones and teeth, calcium is important for muscle and nerve function. Spirulina provides calcium that is easily absorbed by the body.
  3. Magnesium: Important for bone and muscle health, and supports neurological and cardiovascular function.
  4. Zinc: Important for the immune system and wound healing. Zinc also aids in protein and DNA synthesis.
  5. Kali: Essential for electrolyte balance and muscle function.

Other Nutrients

In addition to vitamins and minerals, spirulina contains many other important nutrients:

  1. ProteinsSpirulina contains about 60-70% protein, which is higher than many other foods. The protein in spirulina contains all the essential amino acids, making it a complete protein source.
  2. Essential Fatty AcidsSpirulina contains gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), an omega-6 fatty acid that has anti-inflammatory effects. GLA can support skin health and regulate hormones.
  3. Antioxidants: Spirulina is rich in antioxidants such as phycocyanin, beta-carotene, zeaxanthin and lutein. Phycocyanin is a unique antioxidant of spirulina, which has strong anti-inflammatory properties.
  4. Chlorophyll:Spirulina contains a large amount of chlorophyll, which has anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties. Chlorophyll can also support hematopoiesis

Health Benefits of Spirulina

With its rich nutritional composition, spirulina offers many health benefits:

  1. Support the immune system: Thanks to its high content of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, spirulina can strengthen the immune system.
  2. Improves cardiovascular health: Antioxidants and GLA in spirulina may help reduce inflammation and improve cardiovascular health.
  3. Weight loss support: The high-quality protein in spirulina can help increase satiety and aid in weight loss.
  4. Improves digestive system health: Spirulina can support the health of the intestinal microflora.
  5. Anti-aging:The antioxidants in spirulina can help protect cells from oxidative damage, slowing the aging process.
  6. Detoxification Support:Chlorophyll in spirulina may aid the body's natural detoxification process

Not only is it nutritious, spirulina is also considered a sustainable solution to global food security. With rapid growth and low resource requirements, spirulina can be grown in a variety of environments, from natural ponds to modern industrial cultivation systems.

Spirulinahas become a popular and widely used option as a dietary supplement, appearing in many forms from powders, tablets to ingredients in food products and beverages.

However, as with any food supplement, the use of spirulina should be done consciously and preferably under the guidance of a nutritionist or doctor, especially for people with specific health problems. When used properly, spirulina can make a significant contribution to the overall health and well-being of the body.